24001 Newhall Ranch Rd. Valencia, CA 91355


Overdentures in Valencia and Santa Clarita CA


A denture in the lower jaw is more susceptible to slipping or falling out. An overdenture provides a solution to this problem. This treatment involves the use of fixed dental implants, but the teeth themselves are removable. Overdentures may be recommended if your jaw is too weak for a complete fixed bridge and uses only four titanium posts. After the posts are placed into your jawbone, a titanium bar is attached to them. Your replacement teeth, which resemble a traditional denture in appearance, then snap or clip into place on the bar. Like a traditional denture, the teeth should be removed each night to be cleaned.


While an overdenture does require surgery, the treatment requires less surgery than a complete fixed bridge. This is because you only need to have four posts implanted. With less surgery, your recovery time is shorter. Overdentures are also a more affordable treatment. There are several factors that contribute to this benefit, including the need for fewer posts, less surgery, and fewer follow up appointments.

Overdentures offer an effective solution for replacing missing teeth for those who are missing an entire arch of teeth, but who may not have enough bone mass in their jaw to support an implant supported denture.

We offer same-day implants and dentures, as the name implies, are made in our office and fitted for your mouth all in one visit!